Friday, May 2, 2008

Weekend Surf in Baja Sur – Point break heaven

This is definitely going to be a surf weekend in Baja Sur.

Our new SW swell will continue to peak into early Saturday before slowly starting to fade out by the afternoon and into Sunday.

Most exposed breaks will have consistent surf in the chest-shoulder high+ range. Standout SW facing breaks and excellent combo spots will have overhead sets through Saturday morning. Look for those bigger waves to become less frequent by the afternoon and even more rare on Sunday.

Winds are expected to continue to blow out of the NW around 5-15 knots for most of the weekend. There may be some pockets of stronger NW flow along parts of the Pacific Side but those will occur mostly in the afternoons.

If you are surfing in Baja Sur this weekend…please go to a point or reef…I would be very disappointed if you went all the way down to Mexico to surf a beach break.

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